June 13, 2019 by Jack
In honor of Father’s Day, your Jack Black crew shares a few of their favorite Dad moments. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads, soon-to-be-Dads, and Granddads. We treasure you!
“I love karaoke–and I think it’s all because of my Dad! He taught himself how to play guitar and tried to teach me as well. Though that didn’t work out, we would always sing songs by Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Elton John, and other classics. Those are now my karaoke go-tos!”
-Andrea, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, Double-Header Shampoo + Conditioner
“Best memory: August 27, 1982, my Dad walked me down the aisle. (Yes, I’ve been married a long time!)
-Becky, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, All-Over Wash
“My Dad–who’s 77 now– still plays in a Father and Son golf tournament every year. My brothers and I would have a playoff to see who would be his partner. I am a pretty good golfer but my brothers are scratch and one is a pro, so stiff competition. I went back to Ireland from the U.S. one year ready to playoff for my spot.
The day of the playoff, my Dad changed the rules and said he would draw names from a hat. He picked my name out! We played and did really well, winning a prize, and my Dad holed out a shot for an eagle!
During the celebratory pints afterwards, he confessed that he put my name on the four pieces of paper for the drawing. I couldn’t lose!
That’s the only time I’ve played with my Dad in the Father and Son tournament–and I still haven’t told my brothers the story.”
-Tony, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, Beard Lube® Conditioning Shave
“One of my favorite memories of my dad is getting to see the pride in his face after I graduated college. Education is something that his dad instilled in him, and it is something that he instilled in me. Having him there to celebrate that accomplishment meant everything to me.”
-Victoria, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, Supreme Cream Triple Cushion® Shave Lather
“When I was in the 4th grade, my best friend lost his father very suddenly and tragically. Knowing that my friend was a big Lakers fan, my dad got tickets to a Lakers’ game and took the two of us to go see them play. Some of the greatest basketball players of all time were on the court; Magic Johnson, AC Green, James Worthy, and Kareem Abdul Jabar. It was an evening that neither my best friend or I would ever forget–all because of a very fun-loving and giving man I call Dad.”
-Jamie, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, Dragon Ice® Pain Relieving Cream
“My absolute favorite memory with my Dad–and I think his, too–was when I secretly flew back home for his birthday and was the ‘surprise’ at his surprise party.”
-Begoña, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, Dry Erase® Ultra-Calming Face Cream
“My dad always encouraged me to explore and experiment–whether it was deep sea fishing with him in the Gulf of Mexico or helping him fix something around the house. I’m pretty sure my being there always made things more complicated, but he was so patient and encouraging!”
-Chris, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, Beard Lube® Conditioning Shave
“We didn’t travel a lot, but when we did, Dad was great at making memories. My favorite was spending time with him while we visited my grandfather’s farm in Southern Illinois.”
-Jeffrey, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, All-Over Wash
“When my brother and I were kids, we would help our Dad by holding the flashlight for him while he fixed something. Of course, we could never hold it in the right place because we had zero ability to stay focused. To this day, the big family joke for everything is ‘HOLD THE FLASHLIGHT STILL!’”
-Terri, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, Industrial Strength Hand Healer
“We took a lot of road trips when I was growing up, and we’d get lost every now and then. My dad never stressed out about it–he just called it an adventure. And now, I do, too.”
-Caitlin, Dad’s favorite JB Product, Cool Moisture Body Lotion
“My Dad and I love to go to Dallas Mavericks games together, and we’ve both always been diehard Dirk Nowitzki fans. We got to attend a few games Dirk’s final season before he hung up #41 for good. Best memory ever.”
-Taylor, Dad’s Favorite JB Product, Double-Duty Face Moisturizer SPF 20