

April 4, 2014 by Jack

Head, body, head, body, head, body. (If you’ve seen Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter, you’ll remember that sequence.) 
That’s basically what winter has been doing to your skin, pounding your face and body with a relentless combination of cold, dry air. So let’s talk about what you can do to fight back going into spring. 
 First, exfoliate. 
 Exfoliation sounds a lot more involved than it is. In truth, you’re just getting rid of dead skin cells, so if the choice is between your locker room buddies giving you a hard time when they see an exfoliator in your gym bag or leaving a bunch of dead skin on your body, that seems like a pretty easy call. Two products:


Deep Dive Glycolic Facial Cleanser

This powerful cleanser washes away dead skin cells, pore-clogging oil and buildup, leaving skin fresher, smoother and firmer. You can apply morning and evening as a cleanser or use it as a purifying mask.

Body Rehab Scrub & Muscle Soak

Use this on your whole body in the shower after a workout and it’s not only going to help you shed that old skin, it’s going to relieve muscle tension, loosen knots and increase circulation.


Second, moisturize and protect. 
 Once you’ve shed the dead skin, you want to make sure the new skin is hydrated and protected, especially given the chance some of it might actually see the sun. And again, we’re keeping it simple with a head/body combination:


Double Duty Face Moisturizer

With a built-in SPF-20 sunscreen, this is the perfect daily moisturizer. Apply in the morning, after shaving and again in the evening to rehydrate.

Cool Moisture Body Lotion

Apply this when you step out of the shower, especially in areas more prone to dryness such as your knees and elbows. It helps slow moisture loss without making your skin feel oily or greasy. Plus, this cooling lotion is ideal for warmer weather.

So while you’re spending time in the gym getting your body in shape for the pool, don’t forget the layer on top.